How to Learn ESL Movie Conversations with ChatGPT

As an ESL teacher, I’ve always looked for new ways to help my students improve in ESL Movie Conversations. Recently, I tested a special lesson plan using ChatGPT. The focus was on talking about movies, and it worked very well for my students.

With this approach, you’ll use ChatGPT to practice discussing movies in English. You’ll start by talking about your favorite films and gradually learn important phrases and vocabulary related to movies. This method has proven successful, helping students build confidence and improve their English skills.

You’ll progress through different stages, including role-plays, writing movie reviews, and receiving personalized feedback. Each step allows you to practice at your own speed, ensuring that you fully understand and can use the new phrases and vocabulary effectively.

By following this guide, you’ll engage in meaningful practice, understand various movie genres, and become more comfortable discussing films in English. I’m excited to share this method because it’s designed to make learning both effective and enjoyable, tailored to your pace and needs.

Dive in and discover how ChatGPT can help you enhance your English skills through engaging movie conversations!

The Prompt: Step-by-Step ESL Class on Talking About Movies

The prompt I used with my students is designed to create a real class experience where ChatGPT acts as the teacher, guiding you through each step. The focus is on movie conversations, a topic that many students find enjoyable and engaging.

Here’s how the prompt works:

ChatGPT introduces key concepts related to movies, such as different genres or useful phrases, and then waits for you to respond. This interactive approach ensures that you actively participate in the learning process. ChatGPT will provide corrections or encouragement based on your answers, helping you feel supported throughout the session.

One of the great aspects of this prompt is that it’s not just about passive listening. You’ll be involved in role-plays and interactive exercises, receiving feedback to improve your skills with each attempt. This makes the learning experience more dynamic and personalized.

The prompt is designed to be flexible and easy to use. You can repeat the exercises as often as you like, practicing at your own pace. The more you use it, the better you’ll become at talking about movies in English. This method offers a fun and effective way to enhance your language skills.

The Prompt:

You are an ESL teacher conducting a step-by-step class on talking about movies. Your role is to explain key concepts with examples, guide the student through the process interactively, correct their responses, and explain any mistakes. After each instruction, wait for the student to respond or complete the task before proceeding. Offer feedback and encouragement throughout. Engage actively in roleplays. Don't mention the steps. Give feedback and correction to each of the user's responses. 

Step-by-Step Guide:

Step 1: Warm-Up and Explanation 

Step 2: Key Phrases and Vocabulary 

Step 3: Active Role Play and Practice 

Step 4: Extended Role Play and Practice

Step 5: Different Genres and Practice

Step 6: Assessment on Key Phrases, Vocabulary, and Genres

Step 7: Wrap-Up and Homework

Step 8: Homework Assessment and Feedback

Step 9: Learner Profile   

Step 10: Further Study Guidelines  

Step 1: Warming Up – Breaking the Ice with Movie Discussions

In this first step, ChatGPT helps you feel relaxed by asking a simple question about your favorite movie. Here’s how it starts:

“Great! Let’s get started with talking about movies. First, let’s warm up. Think about your favorite movie. Can you tell me its title and what it’s about in a few sentences?”

To get the most out of this step, choose a movie you love! Talking about something familiar makes it easier to speak in English. Don’t worry about being perfect—this is your chance to practice and improve.

When you answer, try to add details. You can mention the movie’s genre, the main characters, or a short summary of the story. This will help you expand your vocabulary and get better at describing things in English.

After you respond, ChatGPT will give feedback on your sentences. Pay attention to any corrections and suggestions, and try to use them next time. This warm-up step is meant to build your confidence, so relax and enjoy talking about your favorite films!

Also Learn: Asking for Directions with ChatGPT

Step 2: Learning Key Phrases and Vocabulary for Movie Conversations

After the warm-up, it’s time to dive into key phrases and vocabulary for talking about movies. ChatGPT will introduce useful phrases and words to help you describe films effectively.

For example, ChatGPT might teach you phrases like:

  • “The movie is about…”
  • “The plot revolves around…”
  • “It stars…”

You’ll also learn important words such as:

  • Genre: The type of movie, like comedy, drama, or action.
  • Plot: The main story or events in the movie.
  • Character: A person or figure in the movie.
  • Director: The person who makes the movie.

Practice using these phrases and words in your own sentences. For instance, you could say, “The movie is a comedy about a group of friends on a road trip,” or “The plot revolves around a detective solving a mystery.”

Take your time to understand and use each phrase correctly. If you’re unsure about how to use a word or phrase, ask ChatGPT for more examples or explanations.

ChatGPT will provide feedback and suggestions to help you improve. Pay attention to this feedback and try to incorporate it into your next sentences. The more you practice, the more comfortable you’ll become with movie-related language.

Step 3: Engaging in Active Role Play for Real-Life Movie Conversations

talking about movies
Step 3: Roleplay activity with ChatGPT

In this step, you’ll practice using the phrases and vocabulary you’ve learned through an interactive role-play exercise. ChatGPT will guide you through this practice to make it fun and effective.

Here’s how it works:

ChatGPT will set up a scenario where you imagine talking to a friend who hasn’t seen the movie you recently watched. For example, you might be at a café with your friend, and they ask, “So, what’s the movie you saw recently like?”

Your task is to give them a brief summary using the key phrases and vocabulary. Try to include details about the plot, characters, genre, and any notable scenes or special effects. For instance, you might say, “The movie is a sci-fi thriller about a scientist who discovers a time machine. It stars a famous actor and has amazing special effects.”

ChatGPT will listen to your summary and provide feedback. This feedback will help you refine your response and improve your use of language. Take note of any corrections and suggestions to make your future responses even better.

This role-play helps you practice speaking in a realistic setting and boosts your confidence. Enjoy the exercise and use it as a chance to explore new ways to describe movies!

Step 4: Extending Role Play for More Complex Conversations

Now that you’ve practiced talking about movies, it’s time to extend your role-play. In this step, you’ll write a short movie review, just like you would for a blog or a discussion with friends. This activity helps you practice expressing opinions and organizing your thoughts in English.

Here’s what ChatGPT will ask you to do:

“In this scenario, you’re doing a movie review for a blog. You need to write a brief review of the movie, including your thoughts on the plot, characters, director, and any special effects. Aim to include opinions as well.”

In your review, try to include:

  • A summary of the plot: What is the movie about?
  • Main characters: Who are the key figures, and what roles do they play?
  • Your opinion on the director: How well did the director bring the story to life?
  • Comments on special effects or memorable scenes: Were there any visual effects or scenes that stood out?

For example, you might write: “The movie is a fantasy adventure about a group of heroes on a quest to save their world. The main characters are a brave warrior and a clever wizard. The director did a great job with the action scenes, and the special effects were impressive, especially the battle scenes.”

Once you’ve written your review, share it with ChatGPT. You’ll receive feedback on your use of phrases, grammar, and how well you expressed your ideas. This is a great opportunity to practice writing in English while also sharing your thoughts on a movie!

Take your time with this step. Writing allows you to think deeply about how to use the language you’ve learned, and ChatGPT will help you improve with each review.

Step 5: Exploring Different Movie Genres through Targeted Practice

In this step, you’ll expand your vocabulary and practice talking about various movie genres. Understanding different genres will help you describe movies more precisely and make your conversations richer.

Here’s how it works:

ChatGPT will introduce different movie genres, such as action, comedy, drama, romance, and sci-fi. You’ll practice describing movies from each genre using the key phrases and vocabulary you’ve learned.

For example, you might discuss an action movie like this: “It’s an action film with lots of exciting chase scenes and explosions. The plot centers around a hero fighting against a criminal organization.” Or a comedy: “It’s a comedy about a group of friends who get into funny situations. The main characters are really funny and the jokes are great.”

ChatGPT will guide you through each genre, asking you to describe movies or suggest examples. This practice will help you get comfortable with genre-specific vocabulary and phrases.

Pay attention to the different styles and elements that define each genre. ChatGPT will provide feedback to help you improve your descriptions and ensure you’re using the right words for each genre.

This step is all about broadening your ability to talk about movies in various contexts. Enjoy exploring different genres and using your new vocabulary in conversations!

Step 6: Assessing Progress on Phrases, Vocabulary, and Genres

Now it’s time to assess how well you’ve learned and used the phrases, vocabulary, and genres covered in the previous steps. This step helps you see how much you’ve improved and identify areas where you can still grow.

Here’s what ChatGPT will do:

You’ll be asked to complete a series of short tasks or answer questions that test your knowledge of key phrases, movie vocabulary, and different genres. For example, you might be asked to:

  • Describe a movie using specific phrases you’ve learned.
  • Identify the genre of a movie based on a brief description.
  • Use new vocabulary in sentences about movies.

ChatGPT will review your responses and provide feedback on your use of language. This feedback will highlight what you’re doing well and offer suggestions for improvement.

Take this assessment as a chance to see your progress and understand which areas you need to practice more. Remember, this is a learning opportunity, so focus on understanding the feedback and using it to enhance your skills.

By the end of this step, you should feel more confident in your ability to talk about movies using the vocabulary and phrases you’ve learned. Keep practicing to build on your strengths and address any weaknesses!

Step 7: Wrapping Up the Lesson and Assigning Homework

At this stage, it’s time to wrap up the lesson and set some homework to help reinforce what you’ve learned. This step is important for solidifying your understanding and giving you more practice.

Here’s what to do:

ChatGPT will summarize the key points covered in the lesson, such as the phrases, vocabulary, and genres you’ve explored. This recap helps you review what you’ve learned and see how it all fits together.

Next, you’ll receive a homework assignment designed to practice these skills further. For example, you might be asked to:

  • Write a short paragraph about a movie you’ve recently watched, using the vocabulary and phrases from the lesson.
  • Prepare a brief review of a movie in a specific genre.
  • Create a list of new movie-related words and use them in sentences.

ChatGPT will explain the homework tasks clearly and provide guidance on how to complete them. Make sure to ask any questions if you’re unsure about the assignment.

Completing the homework will give you additional practice and help reinforce the lesson. Take your time with these tasks and use them as an opportunity to apply what you’ve learned.

After finishing your homework, you’ll be ready for the next steps in improving your movie conversation skills!

Step 8: Reviewing Homework and Receiving Personalized Feedback

After you complete your homework, ChatGPT will review your work and provide personalized feedback. This step is crucial for understanding how well you’ve grasped the material and where you can make improvements.

Here’s what will happen:

You’ll submit your homework, which might include a movie paragraph, a review, or sentences using new vocabulary. ChatGPT will carefully read your work and offer feedback on several aspects:

  • Accuracy: How well did you use the vocabulary and phrases?
  • Clarity: Is your writing clear and easy to understand?
  • Creativity: Did you provide interesting details or insights?

ChatGPT will point out strengths in your work and suggest areas for improvement. For instance, if you used a phrase incorrectly, ChatGPT will explain the correct usage. If your sentences were clear but could be more detailed, ChatGPT will offer tips on how to add more information.

Use this feedback to refine your skills. Practice any corrections or suggestions in future exercises. This review helps you see where you’ve made progress and what you can still work on.

Taking this feedback seriously will greatly enhance your learning experience. Keep applying what you learn, and you’ll continue to improve in talking about movies and using English more effectively.

Step 9: Understanding Your Learning Profile for Tailored Practice

In this step, ChatGPT will assess your current level of English and provide insights into your strengths and areas where you might need more help. This helps tailor your learning experience to better fit your needs.

Here’s what will happen:

ChatGPT will review your performance from previous tasks and feedback to determine your current level. For example, you might be at a beginner, intermediate, or advanced level based on how well you’ve used vocabulary, described movie plots, and handled different genres.

ChatGPT will then provide a summary of your strengths. For instance, if you’ve shown a good grasp of movie vocabulary and clear descriptions, these will be highlighted. It will also identify areas for improvement. If you struggled with complex sentence structures or specific genres, ChatGPT will point these out.

Based on this assessment, ChatGPT will suggest tailored activities to address your needs. For example, if you’re at an intermediate level and need more practice with advanced vocabulary, ChatGPT might recommend exercises focused on that area.

This step ensures that your practice is customized to help you improve effectively. Make sure to review the feedback and use it to guide your future practice.

Step 10: Guidelines for Further Study and Improvement

In this final step, ChatGPT will provide you with guidelines for continued learning and improvement. This will help you build on the skills you’ve developed and keep advancing your English abilities.

Here’s what to expect:

ChatGPT will suggest specific activities and resources based on your current level and progress. For instance, if you’re a beginner, you might get recommendations for basic vocabulary lists or simple movie reviews. If you’re more advanced, you might receive suggestions for more complex writing tasks or discussions about film analysis.

You’ll also receive tips on how to practice regularly. This might include watching movies in English, joining online discussion groups, or writing more reviews. Regular practice is key to reinforcing what you’ve learned and expanding your skills.

ChatGPT may also suggest additional resources like language learning apps, books, or websites that can support your ongoing study. These resources will be chosen based on what’s most relevant to your learning goals.

Finally, set personal goals for your language learning. For example, aim to write a movie review each week or participate in a movie discussion forum. Setting and achieving these goals will help you continue to improve and stay motivated.

By following these guidelines, you’ll be able to make steady progress and enjoy learning English through movies. Keep practicing, stay curious, and continue exploring new ways to use your language skills!


As you’ve seen, using ChatGPT for learning how to talk about movies can be both fun and effective. By following these steps—warming up, learning key phrases, engaging in role-plays, and receiving personalized feedback—you’re well on your way to improving your English skills in an enjoyable way.

ChatGPT offers interactive and tailored practice, helping you to confidently discuss movies, understand different genres, and express your opinions clearly. Each step, from the initial warm-up to the final personalized study guidelines, is designed to support your growth and keep you engaged.

Remember to use the feedback you receive to refine your skills and apply what you’ve learned in real conversations. Regular practice with ChatGPT will help you build vocabulary, improve sentence structure, and feel more comfortable speaking about movies in English.

Keep exploring new movies, practicing your descriptions, and setting personal goals. With ChatGPT as your learning partner, you’ll continue to make progress and enjoy the process of mastering English. Happy learning, and enjoy your movie discussions!

FAQs on ESL Movie Conversations with ChatGPT

Question 1: What is the purpose of the prompt?

Answer: The prompt is designed to help ESL learners practice discussing movies in English. It focuses on learning key phrases, vocabulary, and movie genres through interactive exercises and role-plays.

Question 2: How does ChatGPT assist in this learning process?

Answer: ChatGPT acts as a virtual teacher, guiding you through each step of the lesson. It introduces key concepts, waits for your responses, provides feedback, and helps you improve your language skills.

Question 3: What should I do in the warming-up step?

Answer: In the warming-up step, you’ll start by talking about your favorite movie. Describe the title and a brief summary to get comfortable with discussing movies in English.

Question 4: How are key phrases and vocabulary taught?

Answer: Key phrases and vocabulary are introduced by ChatGPT and used in various exercises. You’ll practice these phrases through role-plays and writing tasks to reinforce your learning.

Question 5: What is the role of role-plays in this method?

Answer: Role-plays simulate real-life conversations about movies. They help you practice using new vocabulary and phrases in context, improving your speaking skills and boosting confidence.

Question 6: How do I receive feedback during the practice?

Answer: After you respond to prompts or complete tasks, ChatGPT provides feedback on your use of language. This includes corrections, suggestions for improvement, and encouragement to support your learning.

Question 7: Can I repeat the exercises?

Answer: Yes, the exercises can be repeated as often as needed. Repetition helps reinforce learning and allows you to practice at your own pace.

Question 8: How can I track my progress?

Answer: You can track your progress by noting improvements in your responses and feedback received from ChatGPT. Regular practice and review will also help you see how your skills are developing over time.

Question 9: What if I find some exercises challenging?

Answer: If you find certain exercises challenging, ChatGPT will offer additional guidance and support. Use the feedback to practice those areas more and ask questions if you need further clarification.

Question 10: How can I use this prompt to study on my own?

Answer: You can use the prompt to practice independently by following the steps and completing the exercises provided. Regular practice with ChatGPT will help you improve your movie conversation skills and build your English proficiency.

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